Type 1: Organic Marrawah Bull Kelp Meal


We also offer bigger sizes of this product.

Bulk quantity pricing and freight is available for 20kg, 1 tonne (bulk bag) and 1 tonne (20kg bags).

Bulk Size Enquiry

SKU: N/A Category:


This dried kelp (Durvillea potatorum); comes from the West Coast of Tasmania where this unique species of Bull Kelp thrives in the mixing zone of nutrients welling up from the depths of the Great Southern Ocean.

This Kelp Meal is not overly heated, therefore a higher moisture content and one of Australia’s cleanest Organic Kelp.

(From West Coast of Tasmania, Marrawah) Size: Powder -3mm

Available sizes: 1kg, 20kg, 1 tonne (bulk bag) and 1 tonne (20kg bags).

Please contact us for product and freight pricing for these sizes  : 20kg, 1 tonne (bulk bag) and 1 tonne (20kg bags).

We will calculate the best delivery rate based on your location.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Package Size (kg)

250g, 1Kg, 20Kg, 1 tonne (bulk bag), 1 tonne (20kg bags)