Type 10: Liquid Kelp Extract


We also offer bigger sizes of this product.

Bulk quantity pricing and freight is available for 20litre, 200 litre and 1000 litre (ibc).

Bulk Size Enquiry

SKU: N/A Category:


High Seas Liquid Kelp Extract is made from fresh bull kelp (Durvilleau Potatorum) stem collected from the Arthur Pieman Conservation Area off the West coast of Tasmania under legal access and sustainably collected after big seas and swells. It can be applied as a foliar spray or onto soil. Ideal for use on pasture, lawns, vegetables, cropping, gardens, fruit trees, and general horticulture use. Can also be added to animals water 20:1 (twenty parts water to 1 part kelp liquid).

High Seas Liquid Kelp Extract increases resistance to pests, frost and disease, promotes natural healthy growth, stimulates root development and releases locked up nutrients. It contains a host of minerals, vitamins, trace elements, natural growth hormones, Cytokins, Betaines and Auxins in natural form. It is boom spray friendly – best results are obtained by regular 2-4 week applications rather than one single heavy application. Spray early morning or late evening preferably during or after rain. Shake well before use and store out of direct sunlight – apply at 50 parts water to 1 part kelp liquid.

Available in 5 litre, 20 litre, 200 litre and 1000 litre (ibc).

Please contact us for product and freight pricing for these sizes  : 5 litre, 20 litre, 200 litre and 1000 litre (ibc).

We will calculate the best delivery rate based on your location.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Package Volume (Ltr)

5 Ltr, 20 Ltr, 200Ltr, 1000Ltr IBC